ALPLA is awarded Pla­tinum rating for sustainability

Top ran­king among 75,000 com­pa­nies at EcoVadis

Hard, 21 October 2021 – After the ALPLA Group achieved Silver in 2019 and Gold in 2020, Eco­Vadis has awarded the com­pany its Pla­tinum status for sus­taina­bi­lity for the first time in 2021. ALPLA – a global manu­fac­turer of pla­stic pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list – is the­r­e­fore among the top 1 per cent of all 75,000 com­pa­nies evaluated.

Each year, 75,000 com­pa­nies in 200 fields of busi­ness and 160 dif­fe­rent count­ries carry out the self-assessment from EcoVadis, the world’s lar­gest and most trusted pro­vider of busi­ness sus­taina­bi­lity ratings. Major global com­pa­nies, inclu­ding many of ALPLA’s cus­to­mers, use Eco­Vadis ratings to gauge the sus­taina­bi­lity and respon­si­bi­lity of their sup­pliers and ensure that they apply high ethical and envi­ron­mental standards.

The ratings define how soci­ally ethical a com­pany is in four fields called envi­ron­ment, sus­tainable pro­cu­re­ment, ethics and labour and human rights. Health and safety also play an important role in them. A total of 21 dif­fe­rent cri­teria are assessed within these four main themes.

Strong impro­ve­ment
ALPLA has been using Eco­Vadis for a number of years and has con­ti­nuously improved its ratings over time. This year, the ALPLA Group has achieved 73 out of a pos­sible 100 points, making it one of the best (the top 1 per cent) of all par­ti­ci­pa­ting com­pa­nies that use Eco­Vadis to rate their cor­po­rate social respon­si­bi­lity. Eco­Vadis awarded ALPLA Pla­tinum status for this. ALPLA achieved Gold status last year and Silver status two years ago, docu­men­ting the enormous impro­ve­ment made in recent years. The rating is ano­ther mile­stone in ALPLA’s acti­vi­ties in sus­taina­bi­lity manage­ment. The com­pany will be expan­ding them even fur­ther in the future. Rogelio De la Rosa, Head of Cor­po­rate Health, Safety & Envi­ron­ment, adds: ‘We are delighted that Eco­Vadis has rewarded us with its Pla­tinum status for our exten­sive com­mit­ment at all levels of sus­taina­bi­lity management.’


About the ALPLA Group
ALPLA is one of the leading companies involved in plastic packaging. Around 21,600 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, caps and moulded parts at 178 sites across 45 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including for food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household detergents, washing and cleaning agents, pharmaceutical products, engine oils and lubricants.

ALPLA operates its own recycling plants for PET and HDPE in Austria, Poland, Mexico, Italy and Spain, and in the form of joint ventures in Mexico and Germany. Other projects are being realised elsewhere around the world.


Enquiry infor­ma­tion for editorial
ALPLA, Lukas Österle (Sus­taina­bi­lity Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Manager), tel.: +43 (0)5574 602 2132, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, tel.: +43 (0)5574 4471 522, email: