ALPLA on a growth tra­jec­tory with a suc­cessful 2024 finan­cial year 

Pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list increases tur­nover to 4.9 bil­lion euros

Hard, 14 January 2025 – ALPLA con­tinued its growth tra­jec­tory in 2024 with new pro­ducts, plants, busi­ness areas, acqui­si­tions and a focus on trai­ning skilled workers. The inter­na­tional pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list increased its tur­nover from 4.7 to 4.9 bil­lion euros and grew its work­force to 24,350 employees. ALPLA is broa­de­ning its tar­gets for the recy­cling sector. The com­pany plans to double its output recy­cling capa­city to 700,000 tonnes of recy­cled mate­rial by 2030.

Founded in 1955, the ALPLA Group pro­duces safe, affordable and sus­tainable pla­stic pack­a­ging solu­tions world­wide. The family-owned com­pany, head­quar­tered in Hard, Aus­tria, can look back on a suc­cessful finan­cial year in 2024 and con­ti­nues to grow after a mode­rate decline in sales in the pre­vious year. The annual tur­nover of 4.9 bil­lion euros repres­ents an increase of 4 per cent com­pared to 2023.

There has been signi­fi­cant growth in the number of sites and employees. ALPLA has rea­ched the 200-plant mark and created more than a thousand new jobs through new busi­ness areas, acqui­si­tions and trai­ning pro­grammes. A total of 24,350 employees work at 200 loca­tions in 46 count­ries – 365 of them are app­ren­tices. This record figure under­lines the importance of pro­fes­sional trai­ning for the company’s future.

Growth mar­kets and innovation
‘Pla­stic pack­a­ging shapes the lives of bil­lions of people. As a tech­no­lo­gical market leader, we are making it incre­asingly lighter and more sus­tainable. We will con­tinue to invest in this world­wide,’ says CEO Philipp Lehner. In addi­tion to the strong growth mar­kets in South Ame­rica, Africa and the Middle East, demand in North and Cen­tral Ame­rica also reco­vered in 2024.

ALPLA is also expe­ri­en­cing an upward trend in Europe. However, the market envi­ron­ment remains chal­len­ging. ‘Incre­asing EU regu­la­tion is crea­ting a lot of work and wea­k­e­ning our inter­na­tional com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness. This is com­pounded by high labour costs in some count­ries. We are coun­tering this with increased effi­ci­ency, new pro­ducts and our lea­ding role in recy­cling,’ says Lehner. The mar­kets in the Asia-Pacific region offer huge poten­tial. With the upco­ming ope­ning of a new plant in Thai­land in 2025, ALPLA is set­ting the course for the future here.

Recy­cling: doubling capa­city by 2030
ALPLA invests at least 50 mil­lion euros a year in recy­cling. The company’s com­mit­ment to a cir­cular eco­nomy is paying off, it is on track to achieve its goal of using at least 25 per cent recy­cled mate­rial in its pack­a­ging by 2025 and will signi­fi­cantly increase its capa­city. The ALPLA­re­cy­cling divi­sion pro­duces PET and HDPE recy­cled mate­rials (rPET and rHDPE) at 13 plants in nine count­ries. The aim is to double the cur­rent installed and planned output capa­city of 350,000 tonnes by 2030. The use of high-quality recy­cled mate­rial from own pro­duc­tion is com­ple­mented by light­weighting and design for recy­cling. This saves mate­rials, reduces the carbon foot­print and ensures recyclability.

Posi­tio­ning is the key
ALPLA com­bines regional pro­duc­tion with global stan­dards and long-term part­ner­ships. As a system pro­vider for bot­tles and clo­sures, com­bined with the ALPLA­re­cy­cling divi­sion, which has existed since 2023, the com­pany covers num­e­rous indus­tries and mar­kets. In 2024, the new ALP­LAin­ject divi­sion streng­thened the injec­tion moul­ding line. ALPLApharma was expanded in 2024 with the inte­gra­tion of Hein­lein Plastik-Technik into the group. ALP­LA­in­dus­trial is ano­ther divi­sion for large-volume pack­a­ging. The port­folio was enri­ched with inno­va­tive new pro­ducts such as the PET wine bottle, the mono­ma­te­rial dis­penser pump and reusable solu­tions for bever­ages and cos­me­tics. In addi­tion, the fibre-based bottle from sub­si­diary Paboco is ready for series pro­duc­tion and will be available from 2025.


About the ALPLA Group
ALPLA is one of the world’s leading companies in the manufacture and recycling of plastic packaging. Around 24,350 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and moulded parts at 200 sites across 46 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including for food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household cleaning products, detergents and cleaning agents, pharmaceutical products, engine oils and lubricants.

ALPLA operates recycling plants for PET and HDPE in Austria, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Romania and Thailand. Other projects are being realised elsewhere around the world.


Enquiry infor­ma­tion for editorial
ALPLA, Erik Nielsen (Team Leader Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), +43 (0)5574 6021 701,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43 (0)5574 4471 522,