ALP­LAhana pres­ents mono-material dis­penser with down-lock function 

Inno­va­tive pla­stic lotion dis­penser is fully recyclable

Hard, 25 Sep­tember 2024 – Maximum recy­cla­bi­lity, fewer com­pon­ents, cus­to­mi­sable and available as a com­plete system: ALP­LAhana pres­ents its first down-lock dis­penser pump made enti­rely of pla­stic with a sturdy pla­stic spring. The joint ven­ture bet­ween pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list ALPLA and HANA Inno­va­tion from South Korea will be pre­sen­ting two vari­ants of the inno­va­tive dis­penser solu­tion at the Beau­ty­world Middle East in Dubai at the end of October.

Made of 100 per cent poly­pro­py­lene: ALP­LAhana has deve­loped a unique mono-material dis­penser pump with a down-lock func­tion. The joint ven­ture bet­ween the inter­na­tional pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list ALPLA and HANA Inno­va­tion from South Korea is thus crea­ting a fully recy­clable and com­pact solu­tion for various liquid dis­pen­sers. The pro­duct inno­va­tion will be pre­sented at the Beau­ty­world Middle East 2024 from 28 to 30 October in Dubai.

Our solu­tion streng­thens the cir­cular eco­nomy, saves mate­rial and increases recy­cla­bi­lity. It does not require a metal spring, requires fewer com­pon­ents and some of them can also be made from post-consumer recy­cled mate­rial (PCR),’ reports Sree Hari R Nair, Global Head of Busi­ness Pumps and Devices at ALPLA. Thanks to the stable and durable pla­stic spring, the patented tech­no­logy allows the con­tents to be safely stored in the down-lock posi­tion. The dis­penser offers cus­to­mers added logi­stical value and saves shelf space.

Stan­dard for­mats and customisation
The two stan­dard ver­sions of the down-lock dis­penser with a nominal output of 2 and 4 mil­li­li­tres (ml) are available with a smooth- or ribbed-neck finish for stan­dard clo­sure sizes. Like all ALP­LAhana pro­ducts, the colour, head and clo­sure can be cus­to­mised. This also applies to the fine-tuning of out­puts in defined ranges in line with cus­tomer requirements.

As a system sup­plier, ALPLA offers orga­ni­sa­tional, logi­stical and com­mer­cial added value. Cus­to­mers can purchase the bottle and pump from a single source and receive a per­fectly coor­di­nated com­plete solu­tion. ‘Many mul­ti­na­tional brand manu­fac­tu­rers want to make their port­fo­lios more sus­tainable and envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly. We can now sup­port them with our safe, affordable and sus­tainable dis­penser solu­tions. We can do this world­wide, to the hig­hest qua­lity stan­dards and accor­ding to cus­tomer requi­re­ments,’ empha­sises Michael Feltes, Mana­ging Director of ALP­LAin­ject. The injec­tion moul­ding divi­sion was founded in 2024.


About ALPLAhana
Founded in 2023 and based in Hwaseong, South Korea, the ALPLAhana joint venture develops and produces innovative pumps made of plastic. At ALPLAhana, the international packaging and recycling specialist ALPLA and the South Korean pump manufacturer HANA Innovation combine their expertise. With sustainable mono-material solutions, and standard and customisable systems, ALPLAhana is strengthening the circular economy and minimising the consumption of materials.


Enqui­ries for editors
ALPLA, Erik Nielsen (Team Leader Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), +43 (0)5574 6021 701,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43 (0)5574 44715 22,