Dyntex Intro­duces World’s First Ultra­light Bio­syn­thetic Func­tional Fabrics

Envi­ron­men­tally Fri­endly, Func­tional Tex­tiles Made of Bio­syn­thetic Yarn and Biode­gra­dable Fabric

Bre­genz, January 8, 2020 – Dyntex, deve­loper and manu­fac­turer of func­tional mate­rials based in Bre­genz, Aus­tria, has laun­ched two world pre­mieres: DYNTEX® Biode­gra­dable is the world’s first ultra­light func­tional fabric that only takes five years to biode­grade. Dyntex® Bio­lo­gical Origin is also ultra­light and made enti­rely from bio-based raw mate­rials. Lea­ding pre­mium manu­fac­tu­rers of ath­letic and life­style clot­hing have already expressed their inte­rest in the fabrics.

Working with spe­cia­lists from Japan and Italy, Dyntex invested three years into the deve­lo­p­ment of these two extra­or­di­nary bio­syn­thetic fabrics. Dyntex CEO Mathias Braun is con­vinced that “they have what it takes to revo­lu­tio­nize the market for envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly func­tional fabrics. Our fabrics set new stan­dards when it comes to ath­letic, out­door, and life­style apparel.” Pre­mium manu­fac­tu­rers have already shown great inte­rest after initial talks.

Biode­gra­dable in Only Five Years
Dyntex® Biode­gra­dable is the first ultra­light func­tional fabric that is com­ple­tely biode­gra­dable in just five years. The yarn made of the high-tech poly­amide Amni Soul Eco® makes it pos­sible to pro­duce fabrics of the hig­hest qua­lity that weigh only 38 grams per square meter. In addi­tion, they are water-repellent, breat­hable, fluorocarbon-free, and extre­mely durable, even under heavy use. With one-of-a-kind tac­tile pro­per­ties and excep­tional looks, they are per­fect for sty­lish func­tional clothing.

In a land­fill, func­tional tex­tiles made of Dyntex® Biode­gra­dable mate­rials decom­pose into CO2, methane, and bio­mass within just five years – this was veri­fied in a US labo­ra­tory that tested anae­robic biode­gra­da­tion pur­suant to the inter­na­tional ASTM D5511 (ISO 15985) stan­dard. Stan­dard poly­amides typi­cally take ten times longer to biode­grade. When com­bined with a biode­gra­dable lining, this makes it pos­sible to manu­fac­ture fully biode­gra­dable products.

Com­ple­tely Organic Yarn
Dyntex® Bio­lo­gical Origin is made enti­rely from rene­wable resources, with the castor oil plant ser­ving as the basis for the ultra­light func­tional fabric. A bio-polymer is extra­cted from the plant that is then used to pro­duce a par­ti­cu­larly high-quality yarn. In a spe­cial manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess, DYNTEX® uses this yarn to pro­duce ultra­light func­tional fabrics of the hig­hest qua­lity with one-of-a-kind tac­tile pro­per­ties and excep­tional looks. With this newly deve­loped coll­ec­tion of mate­rials, manu­fac­tu­rers can com­ple­tely eli­mi­nate the use of fossil resources.

The castor oil plant is the per­fect raw mate­rial for such fabrics. It grows in arid, nutrient-poor soil, requires little water, and is not edible. This means the castor oil plant does not com­pete with the cul­ti­va­tion of food crops in the agri­cul­tural industry.

Envi­ron­men­tally Fri­endly and of the Hig­hest Quality
Accor­ding to Dyntex CEO Mathias Braun, the newly deve­loped fabric coll­ec­tion “plays a cri­tical role in pro­tec­ting the envi­ron­ment for future gene­ra­tions.” Accor­dingly, he sees tre­men­dous oppor­tu­ni­ties in the rapidly gro­wing market for envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly func­tional tex­tiles. An Ita­lian fashion label will already be releasing the first jackets made with Dyntex fabrics in January.

For more infor­ma­tion, please visit:
www.dyntex-bio.com and www.dyntex.eu

Fact Box:
Dyntex Biosynthetics

– Ultralight functional fabrics weighing as little as 38 gr/m2
– Breathable, water-repellent, extremely durable
– Dyntex® Biodegradable: fully biodegradable in five years
– Dyntex® Biological Origin: made from the castor oil plant
– Applications: athletic, outdoor, and lifestyle clothing


For edi­to­rial inqui­ries, please contact:
Dyntex GmbH, CEO Mathias Braun, phone: +43–5574-21404, e‑mail: m.braun@dyntex.eu
Dyntex Italy, Andrea Paghera, +39–335-5956–871, a.paghera@dyntex.eu