Expan­sion: ALPLA and Inden Pharma form joint venture

Spe­cia­lists in phar­maceu­tical pack­a­ging com­bine exper­tise and increase capacities

Hard, 10 March 2023 – The ALPLA Group with its divi­sion ALPLApharma and the Spa­nish pack­a­ging com­pany Inden Pharma are streng­thening their foot­print in the phar­maceu­tical market by estab­li­shing a joint ven­ture. ALPLApharma is brin­ging pro­duc­tion sites in Greece and Poland into the coope­ra­tion, com­ple­mented by Inden Pharma’s two faci­li­ties in Spain and an addi­tional one the two com­pa­nies are jointly buil­ding in Ger­many. The com­pa­nies are plan­ning a com­bined annual pro­duc­tion of around 800 mil­lion phar­maceu­tical pack­a­ging pro­ducts in 2023 and a three-fold increase in the next five years.

ALPLA is expan­ding its pre­sence in the global market for phar­maceu­tical pack­a­ging by estab­li­shing a joint ven­ture with Inden Pharma. ALPLA, the inter­na­tional spe­cia­list in pla­stic pack­a­ging and recy­cling, and the inter­na­tio­nally renowned Spa­nish phar­maceu­tical pack­a­ging com­pany Inden Pharma, are starting a long-term part­ner­ship for the cer­ti­fied pro­duc­tion of bot­tles, con­tai­ners and clo­sures in clean rooms, starting in March. The joint ven­ture includes two ALPLApharma pro­duc­tion sites in Greece (Koropi) and Poland (Żyrardów) and the two Spa­nish plants of Inden Pharma in Ibi, north of Ali­cante, as well as a jointly built fifth plant in Ger­many (Mark­dorf), which is sche­duled to start pro­duc­tion in June.

We com­bine global pre­sence with high stan­dards and tech­no­logy lea­der­ship. Tog­e­ther, we are even closer to our cus­to­mers and are expan­ding our range of high-quality, cost-effective and sus­tainable pack­a­ging solu­tions,” says Philipp Lehner, CEO of ALPLA. Since ente­ring the fast-growing market of phar­maceu­tical pack­a­ging in 2016, ALPLA has con­ti­nuously expanded into new count­ries, tech­no­lo­gies and pro­duct cate­go­ries. Inden Pharma is also focused on strong growth. In the last four years, the com­pany has tri­pled its sales to reach 30.5 mil­lion euros in 2022. Inden Pharma annu­ally sells more than 550 mil­lion con­tai­ners in 35 count­ries on 5 continents.

Tech­no­lo­gical advan­tage and capa­city increase
Around 800 mil­lion pack­a­ging pro­ducts will be pro­duced in the first year at the five jointly ope­rated faci­li­ties. The stan­dard pro­ducts offered by Inden Pharma will be inte­grated into the joint cata­logue of ALPLApharma and Inden Pharma pro­ducts, rea­ching an offer of more than 150 articles. It is also planned to expand the busi­ness to other places out­side of Europe in the future, such as India, the USA or Cen­tral and South Ame­rica. “Our inter­na­tional cus­to­mers benefit from a greater variety of plants, pro­xi­mity, high fle­xi­bi­lity as well as the ser­vice and qua­lity in deli­veries that has been habi­tual in recent years. It is quite a chall­enge, not only for Inden Pharma, but for the entire orga­ni­sa­tion of the joint ven­ture, since our objec­tive is to achieve lea­der­ship in the phar­maceu­tical pla­stic pack­a­ging market in the next five years,” explains Juan Guillem Gon­zález, owner and CEO of Inden Pharma.

Walter Knes, Mana­ging Director of ALPLApharma, empha­sises the importance of tech­no­logy and know-how transfer: We bring tog­e­ther our strengths and dis­tri­bu­tion net­works, use the most modern injec­tion and extru­sion blow moul­ding tech­ni­ques, and can rely on our long-standing recy­cling exper­tise for future developments.”

Details about the part­ner­ship have been agreed to be kept confidential.


About ALPLApharma
With around 23,300 employees at 190 locations worldwide, the Austrian ALPLA Group is one of the world’s leading companies in the production and recycling of plastic packaging, whose turnover in 2022 exceeded 5 billion euros. The company has been producing certified clean-room bottles, containers and closures since 2016 and founded the ALPLApharma division in 2019. ALPLApharma has additional production centres in Egypt, Romania and South Africa, which will act in line with the joint venture, and have the certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 15378. In addition to standard products for the pharmaceutical industry, the division also produces packaging for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.


About Inden Pharma
Inden Pharma is a Spanish company specialised in manufacturing plastic packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. The company, headquartered in Ibi, north of Alicante, employs approximately 160 employees, operates in 35 countries and is ISO 9001 and ISO 15378 certified. Inden Pharma offers packaging solutions for oral liquids and solids, as well as for ophthalmic, nasal and parenteral applications. It is a renowned company in the sector throughout Europe and in India, among other countries.


Infor­ma­tion for editorial
ALPLA, Erik Nielsen (Team Leader Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), Tel.: +43 (0)5574 6021 701, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, Tel.: +43 (0)5574 44715 22, email: