
Expan­sion: Vario­sys­tems Acquires SCHURTER Solutions

Global elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner dou­bles its manu­fac­tu­ring capa­city and enhances engi­nee­ring exper­tise in Europe

Steinach (Switz­er­land), July 1, 2024 – Vario­sys­tems con­ti­nues to grow and takes the next step towards doubling its reve­nues by 2026 excee­ding 500 mil­lion Swiss francs. The Steinach-based, global elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner takes over SCHURTER Solu­tions, the EMS divi­sion of the Swiss elec­tro­nics com­pon­ents manu­fac­turer SCHURTER. The pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in Switz­er­land and Romania, inclu­ding their cus­to­mers and employees, will be gra­du­ally inte­grated into the Vario­sys­tems Group. With this acqui­si­tion, Vario­sys­tems streng­thens its Euro­pean supply chain by adding a manu­fac­tu­ring site in Romania, and enhances its engi­nee­ring and rapid-prototyping capa­bi­li­ties via a second VARIO­in­cu­bator hub in Mend­risio, Switz­er­land. The orga­niza­tion in Mend­risio will sup­port and develop cus­to­mers in the Nor­t­hern Ita­lian, French and Swiss Romand markets.

Vario­sys­tems uses state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies to manu­fac­ture elec­tro­nics solu­tions for OEM (ori­ginal equip­ment manu­fac­turer) cus­to­mers. Head­quar­tered in Steinach, Switz­er­land, the global elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner is on a growth tra­jec­tory and is focu­sing on the expan­sion of regional supply chains in North Ame­rica, Europe, China, and the Asia-Pacific. Effec­tive July 1, 2024, the com­pany has gra­du­ally acquired the EMS and box-build divi­sion of Swiss elec­tro­nics com­pon­ents manu­fac­turer SCHURTER, inclu­ding its 280 employees. Through the acqui­si­tion, Vario­sys­tems will streng­then its engi­nee­ring, life cycle manage­ment com­pe­tence and its Euro­pean supply chain with an addi­tional manu­fac­tu­ring site in Romania.

Expan­sion of Deve­lo­p­ment, Rapid Pro­to­ty­ping and Pro­duc­tion capabilities
The two loca­tions in Mend­risio (Switz­er­land) and Gruiu (Romania) double Vario­sys­tems’ pro­duc­tion capa­city in Europe. The manu­fac­tu­ring site in Romania will focus on high-volume cus­tomer pro­grams that require hig­hest cost com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness. The site in Mend­risio, Switz­er­land will focus on engi­nee­ring, rapid-prototyping and low-volume pro­duc­tion ser­vices that sup­port cus­to­mers in shorten their time-to-market and reduce their pro­duct costs.

With the acqui­si­tion of SCHURTER Solu­tions, we expand our exper­tise in the deve­lo­p­ment and rapid pro­to­ty­ping of elec­tro­nics solu­tions and streng­then our supply chain in Europe. By doing this, we acce­le­rate our trans­for­ma­tion into a global con­tract deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring orga­niza­tion (CDMO) and sup­port our Euro­pean cus­to­mers in their near­sho­ring initia­tives,” says Ste­phan Son­der­egger, CEO of Vario­sys­tems. “We are delighted to be able to offer exis­ting SCHURTER Solu­tions cus­to­mers direct access to our inte­grated elec­tro­nics ser­vice plat­form and global supply chain net­work, giving them a com­pe­ti­tive advan­tage,” he adds.

By han­ding over its elec­tro­nics manu­fac­tu­ring, SCHURTER is ensu­ring long-term job secu­rity and poo­ling resources for the ongoing deve­lo­p­ment of its core busi­ness. “SCHURTER Solu­tions has estab­lished itself as a first-class address for all-inclusive solu­tions and is now moving to Vario­sys­tems, where it will be in the best of hands,” says Lars Bri­cken­kamp, CEO of SCHURTER, “Tog­e­ther, we are set­ting the course for the suc­cessful fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment and will remain clo­sely con­nected as a partner in the future.”

Shorter Time-to-Market: Second VARIO­in­cu­bator Site in Switzerland
VARIO­in­cu­bator sites of Vario­sys­tems pro­vide all ser­vices required for the effec­tive and reliable deve­lo­p­ment and indus­tria­liza­tion of elec­tronic solu­tions. Sup­porting its cus­to­mers along the way from the initial pro­duct idea to the series pro­duc­tion, shor­tens the time-to-market and reduces pro­duct costs. Fol­lo­wing the acqui­si­tions of Solve GmbH in Buchs (Switz­er­land) in 2020 and Kubeg AG in Zizers (Switz­er­land) in 2023, the inte­gra­tion of the Mend­risio site is the third major step in the VARIO­in­cu­bator initia­tive. Starting now, Vario­sys­tems cus­to­mers have access to two loca­tions for rapid-prototyping and small volume pro­duc­tions: Zizers and Mend­risio. New cus­tomer cen­ters in nor­t­hern Italy are planned in the next phase, along­side the VARIO­in­cu­bator site in Mend­risio, just five kilo­me­ters from the Ita­lian border.

Sup­porting Cus­to­mers’ Near­sho­ring Acti­vi­ties in Europe

Vario­sys­tems sup­ports the near­sho­ring efforts of inter­na­tional cus­to­mers with effi­cient, regional supply chains. With the SCHURTER Solu­tions’ loca­tion in Romania, Vario­sys­tems com­pletes its supply chain in Europe. In addi­tion to the pro­duc­tion site in Croatia, which spe­cia­lizes in box build assembly (BBA) ser­vices, the hub in Romania will focus on printed cir­cuit board assembly (PCBA). Vario­sys­tems is streng­thening its com­pe­ti­tive posi­tion in Europe and now offers an inte­grated supply chain solu­tion bet­ween Croatia and Romania for cost com­pe­ti­tive box build assembly programs.

The inte­gra­tion of SCHURTER Solu­tions’ enhances our pro­duc­tion ser­vices in Europe and makes Vario­sys­tems an ideal partner for cus­to­mers that require a cost com­pe­ti­tive supply chain in that region,” says Stefan Walther, COO of Vario­sys­tems. The 6,200-square-meter plant in Gruiu is inte­grated as a VARIO­plat­form site of Vario­sys­tems and enables effi­cient pro­duc­tion of high-volume cus­tomer programs.



About Variosystems
Variosystems AG, headquartered in Steinach, Switzerland, is a global service partner for electronics solutions. Founded in 1993, the company generates revenues of 300 million Swiss francs annually. Variosystems has over 2,500 employees at sites in Switzerland, the United States, Sri Lanka, China, Croatia, and Mexico. The technology company’s solutions are used in aerospace and medical technology as well as in industrial and high-end consumer electronics products, among others.


Contact for edi­to­rial inquiries:
Vario­sys­tems AG, Tobias Bil­geri, +41–71-447‑8653,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43–664-968‑2626,