STAGE Bregenz

STAGE Bre­genz: Con­fir­ma­tion of the 44 exhi­bi­tors from nine Euro­pean countries

There is already huge inter­na­tional inte­rest in the new art fair in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz from 22 to 25.2.

Bre­genz, 25th January 2024 – The par­ti­ci­pants in the first STAGE Bre­genz have been con­firmed: From 22nd February, 44 well-known gal­le­ries will pre­sent works by around 100 inter­na­tional artists in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz. The new format of con­tem­po­rary art and design fair covers an area ran­ging from Lake Con­s­tance, where four count­ries meet, to Italy, France, Bel­gium and the Czech Repu­blic and illus­trates the huge breadth of artistic expres­sion. The show will be accom­pa­nied by a high-quality pro­gramme in a number of Vorarlberg’s cul­tural institutions.

STAGE Bre­genz offers a new plat­form to art in the Lake Con­s­tance region: From 22nd to 25th February 2024, emer­ging and emi­nent artists will be pre­sented in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz by 44 lea­ding gal­le­ries from nine Euro­pean count­ries, inclu­ding Lelong & Co. (France), P420 (Italy), Annex 14 (Switz­er­land), Hunt Kastner (Czech Repu­blic), Office Impart (Ger­many) and a number of young and estab­lished gal­le­ries from Aus­tria. “Even before the pre­mière, the new format is gene­ra­ting huge inte­rest in the art world. STAGE Bre­genz expresses the crea­tive diver­sity of the region and opens up oppor­tu­ni­ties for the ongoing sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of the sector”, says the delighted Founder and Director, Renger van den Heuvel.

Visi­tors to STAGE Bre­genz will be able to enjoy a wide, cross-border range of work. Along­side the fair in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz there are num­e­rous par­allel shows – in Vor­arl­berg and at some of STAGE Bregenz’s inter­na­tional part­ners: St. Gallen, Ror­schach and Chur (CH), Vaduz (FL) and Fried­richs­hafen and Ravens­burg (D) are also hos­ting fasci­na­ting exhi­bi­tions. “We’re com­mitted to har­mo­niously embed­ding the fair in this excel­lent cul­tural infra­struc­ture and making our own con­tri­bu­tion. It should estab­lish itself as an annual fix­ture for art fans far beyond Lake Con­s­tance”, adds Van den Heuvel, who devised STAGE Bre­genz tog­e­ther with the Cul­ture Ser­vice of the Pro­vin­cial Capital of Bre­genz, Stadt­mar­ke­ting Bre­genz and Kon­gress­kultur Bregenz.

Artistic diver­sity
The cura­tors of the first edi­tion are Fiam­metta Gric­cioli, Matylda Krzy­kowski, Elise Lammer and Verena Kaspar-Eisert. Fiam­metta Gric­cioli, a curator at the Pirelli Han­gar­Bicocca in Milan, has invited gal­le­ries from Italy, the Czech Repu­blic, Romania and Aus­tria. The pro­gramme drawn up by the Swiss-Austrian curator and author Elise Lammer fea­tures young artists from the sur­roun­ding count­ries. The general par­ti­ci­pants include gal­le­ries from nine Euro­pean nations: Aus­tria, Switz­er­land, Ger­many, Liech­ten­stein, France, Bel­gium, Italy, Romania and the Czech Repu­blic. These also include design-oriented gal­le­ries such as Galerie Philia (CH) and rauminhalt_haraldbichler (A).

Spe­cial projects
Verena Kaspar-Eisert, Head Curator of the Muse­ums­quar­tier Wien, is sel­ec­ting works by pho­to­graphers from the coll­ec­tion of the Pro­vince of Vor­arl­berg for a spe­cial exhi­bi­tion. The “STAGE Treff” pro­gramme is taking place in the See­studio of the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz under the lea­der­ship of the curator and artist Matylda Krzy­kowski. This looks at the issue of sus­taina­bi­lity with guests from home and abroad from three per­spec­tives: prac­tices, rela­ti­onships and environment.

STAGE Bre­genz addresses sus­taina­bi­lity itself as a member of the Gal­lery Cli­mate Coali­tion and a cer­ti­fied Green Event. This objec­tive is sup­ported by the energy-efficient ope­ra­tion of the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz and the fair’s climate-friendly logi­stics and mobi­lity solutions.

Infor­ma­tion: /


STAGE Bregenz 2024
22–25 February 2024
Festspielhaus Bregenz

Opening / 22 February 2024
Preview / from 14:00 (with invitation)
Vernissage / 17:00–20:00 (tickets available - € 65 for 2 people)

Fair days / 23–25 February 2024
23 February: 12:00–19:00
24 February: 10:00–19:00
25 February: 10:00–18:00

Day tickets €12 (local public transport included)
Tickets via

The Provincial Capital of Bregenz
The Province of Vorarlberg
Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, European and International Affairs


Green Energy Partner
illwerke vkw

Partner Focus Photography

Kongresskultur Bregenz
The Culture Service of the Provincial Capital of Bregenz
Stadtmarketing Bregenz
Convention Partner Vorarlberg

Programme Partners
Bregenzer Frühling
Bregenzer Festspiele
Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
Creative Institute Vorarlberg
Filmforum Bregenz
Forum Würth Rorschach
Frauenmuseum Hittisau
Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB)
Kunsthalle St. Gallen
Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
Kunstmuseum Ravensburg
Kunstmuseum St. Gallen
Kunstraum Dornbirn
Kunstraum Remise
Kunstverein Friedrichshafen
Vorarlberger Architektur Institut (vai)
vorarlberg museum

Green Partner
MuseumsQuartier Wien

Museum Partner

ATP architekten ingenieure
Die Hinterwies
Alpin Resort Sacher

With the friendly support of
Casino Bregenz


Edi­to­rial questions:
STAGE Bre­genz, Renger van den Heuvel, tele­phone +43/660/5961401, e‑mail
Pzwei.Pressearbeit, Daniela Kaulfus, tele­phone +43/5574/44715–28, e‑mail