STAGE Bregenz

STAGE Bre­genz: The New Fair for Con­tem­po­rary Art and Design in the Lake Con­s­tance Region

Pre­mière from 22 to 25 February 2024 in the Fest­spiel­haus Bregenz

Bre­genz, 6 July 2023 – STAGE Bre­genz com­bines con­tem­po­rary art and coll­ec­tible design with the sha­ping of a liveable future. At the pre­mière of the fair from 22 to 25 February 2024 in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz, around 55 lea­ding gal­le­ries will pre­sent the latest work of regional and inter­na­tional artists. The cura­tors Fiam­metta Gric­cioli, Matylda Krzy­kowski and Elise Lammer are working at this first edi­tion. The exten­sive sup­porting pro­gramme will involve partner insti­tu­tions across the Lake Con­s­tance region. The par­ti­ci­pa­ting gal­le­ries will be pre­sented in autumn.

STAGE Bre­genz is a new plat­form for art in the Lake Con­s­tance region, where four count­ries come tog­e­ther. The fair will pre­sent around 55 lea­ding gal­le­ries and spe­cial pro­jects from the Lake Con­s­tance region and Cen­tral Europe from 22 to 25 February 2024 in the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz. “Strong, international-quality fairs are the future of the global art busi­ness and the basis for sus­tainable change. STAGE Bre­genz will high­light the crea­tive diver­sity of the region in the areas of art, design and archi­tec­ture”, says Founder and Mana­ging Director Renger van den Heuvel (pre­viously VIENNAFAIR, vien­na­con­tem­po­rary and SPARK Art Fair Vienna).

The new fair format has been deve­loped in coope­ra­tion with the Cul­ture Ser­vice of the Pro­vin­cial Capital of Bre­genz, Stadt­mar­ke­ting Bre­genz and Kon­gress­kultur Bre­genz. STAGE Bre­genz will offer a plat­form to both new posi­tions and estab­lished artists. The fair will also address the issue of sus­taina­bi­lity in the art world and be rea­lised as a sus­tainable format. The names of the around 55 gal­le­ries will be announced in autumn 2023. The core of emer­ging and estab­lished gal­le­ries from Aus­tria and its neigh­bours Switz­er­land, Ger­many, Liech­ten­stein and Italy will be com­ple­mented by lea­ding gal­le­ries from across Europe.

Sec­tions and spe­cial projects
The first STAGE Bre­genz fea­tures the cura­tors Fiam­metta Gric­cioli, Matylda Krzy­kowski and Elise Lammer. Fiam­metta Gric­cioli from Italy works as a curator at the Pirelli Han­gar­Bicocca (Milan). She will address a cur­rent issue and invite ten gal­le­ries to STAGE Bre­genz. New art will be on the pro­gramme of the Swiss-Austrian curator and author Elise Lammer. The Director of the rese­arch plat­form Alpina Huus will pre­sent ten emer­ging con­tem­po­rary art posi­tions from the Lake Con­s­tance region. In her expe­ri­mental work at the inter­face bet­ween design, art and archi­tec­ture, Matylda Krzy­kowski devotes herself to space and per­for­mance. The German-Polish desi­gner and curator has been the Artistic Director of CIVIC at Basel Aca­demy of Art and Design FHNW since Sep­tember 2021 and is a cofounder of Depot Basel.

In addi­tion to these three sec­tions, STAGE Bre­genz will pre­sent spe­cial pro­jects in the areas of coll­ec­tible design, pho­to­graphy and digital art and orga­nise a con­fe­rence addres­sing sus­taina­bi­lity in the art busi­ness. The par­ti­ci­pa­ting gal­le­ries in the general sec­tion and the “Art and Design” sec­tion will be invited by the manage­ment of the fair. This sel­ec­tion pro­cess is being sup­ported by an advi­sory board of inter­na­tional art and design experts. “By addres­sing, each in their own way, the issue of living tog­e­ther in an inter­con­nected world, art, design and archi­tec­ture repea­tedly cross disci­pli­nary, socio­cul­tural and geo­gra­phic bor­ders. This is true both glo­bally and on the level of local initia­tives and col­la­bo­ra­tions. We want to offer a plat­form to these fasci­na­ting inter­ac­tions”, empha­sises van den Heuvel.

Inter­re­gional concept
With its loca­tion at the hub of the Lake Con­s­tance region, where four count­ries come tog­e­ther, and its coope­ra­tion with local cul­tural insti­tu­tions, STAGE Bre­genz and its pro­gramme reflect the cul­tural and eco­nomic diver­sity of this cross-border milieu. Renger van den Heuvel is con­vinced that the format and the loca­tion have huge poten­tial: “The Lake Con­s­tance region has enormous knowhow, lots of talent and legen­dary drive. The aim of our inter­re­gional fair con­cept is to high­light and streng­then these cul­tural net­works and fruitful inter­ac­tions. The wide­spread sup­port from the fields of poli­tics, art, design and archi­tec­ture pro­vide the ideal basis for suc­cessful cooperation.”

Sup­porting pro­gramme and coope­ra­tion partners
The coope­ra­tion part­ners of the first STAGE Bre­genz are lea­ding insti­tu­tions inclu­ding Crea­tive Insti­tute Vor­arl­berg, Forum Würth Ror­schach, Kunst­haus Bre­genz (KUB), Kunst­mu­seum Liech­ten­stein, Kunst­mu­seum Ravens­burg, Kunst­raum Dorn­birn, Muse­ums­Quar­tier Wien, Vor­arl­berger Archi­tektur Institut (vai), vor­arl­berg museum and the Bre­genzer Früh­ling dance fes­tival. STAGE Bre­genz is sup­ported by the Pro­vince of Vor­arl­berg and its capital Bre­genz. The part­ners of the fair are Con­ven­tion Partner Vor­arl­berg, the Cul­ture Ser­vice of the Pro­vin­cial Capital of Bre­genz, Stadt­mar­ke­ting Bre­genz and Kon­gress­kultur Bre­genz. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the sup­porting pro­gramme will be released in autumn. “We are delighted by the huge inte­rest in cul­tural cir­cles and par­ti­cu­larly gra­teful for the broad show of poli­tical sup­port. By working tog­e­ther we will create a new plat­form for con­tem­po­rary art in the Lake Con­s­tance region”, says van den Heuvel.

A sus­tainable art fair
As a member of the Gal­lery Cli­mate Coali­tion and a cer­ti­fied “Green Event”, STAGE Bre­genz is being orga­nised in line with sus­tainable cri­teria. The eco­lo­gical foot­print will be mini­mised with the help of the energy-efficient ope­ra­tion of the Fest­spiel­haus Bre­genz, careful plan­ning and a range of climate-friendly logi­stics and mobi­lity solutions.



About STAGE Bregenz
STAGE Bregenz combines contemporary art and collectible design with the shaping of a liveable future. The new fair format will take place for the first time from 22 to 25 February 2024 in the Festspielhaus Bregenz and present around 55 galleries. The Initiator and Managing Director of STAGE Bregenz is Renger van den Heuvel. The new fair for the Lake Constance region is a meeting place and a platform for the rich variety of interactions between art, design and architecture. In coming years, STAGE Bregenz will always take place in late February/early March.


STAGE Bre­genz 2024
22–25 February 2024
Fest­spiel­haus Bregenz

Ope­ning / 22 February 2024
Pre­view / from 14:00 (with invitation)
Ver­nis­sage / 17:00–20:00 (a limited number of indi­vi­dual tickets will be available from mid-September 2023)

Fair / 23–25 February 2024
23 February: 12:00–19:00
24 February: 10:00–19:00
25 February: 10:00–18:00

Pro­gramme Partners
Bre­genzer Frühling
Crea­tive Insti­tute Vorarlberg
Forum Würth Rorschach
Kunst­haus Bre­genz (KUB)
Kunst­mu­seum Liechtenstein
Kunst­mu­seum Ravensburg
Kunst­raum Dornbirn
Vor­arl­berger Archi­tektur Institut (vai)
vor­arl­berg museum

Green Partner
Muse­ums­Quar­tier Wien

The Pro­vin­cial Capital of Bregenz
The Pro­vince of Vorarlberg

Kon­gress­kultur Bregenz
The Cul­ture Ser­vice of the Pro­vin­cial Capital of Bregenz
Stadt­mar­ke­ting Bregenz
Con­ven­tion Partner Vorarlberg


About Renger van den Heuvel
Renger van den Heuvel (Apeldoorn, NL) is a cultural manager who specialises in the development of art fair formats. He was Managing Director of VIENNAFAIR and viennacontemporary between 2012 and 2019. In 2021, he established the SPARK Art Fair Vienna, a format entirely based on individual presentations and with a uniform stand design. The fair was described as, amongst other things, “one of the most exciting art fairs of recent years” (Monopol). Alongside his work as a cultural manager, van den Heuvel is also an independent filmmaker and a graduate of the Friedl Kubelka School for Independent Film in Vienna.


About Elise Lammer
The Swiss-Austrian curator and author Elise Lammer (Lausanne, CH) examines the role of (public and private) space in the creation of identity. In 2015, she established the collective research platform Alpina Huus, which addresses performance and domestic space. Elise Lammer has participated in numerous exhibitions in international institutions and galleries, including MAMCO (Geneva), Fondation Beyeler (Riehen), Museu Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon), mumok (Vienna), Schinkel Pavillon (Berlin), Goethe Institute (Beijing, Hong Kong) and GARAGE Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow).


About Fiammetta Griccioli
Fiammetta Griccioli (1987) is a curator at the Pirelli HangarBicocca. She has recently co-curated solo exhibitions by Thao Nguyen Phan (upcoming in 2023), Dineo Seshee Bopape (2022/2023), Anicka Yi (2022), Trisha Baga (2020) and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (2019). Since 2012, she has organised numerous solo exhibitions and coordinated publications about artists including Micol Assaël, Joan Jonas, Philippe Parreno, Laure Prouvost, Lucio Fontana and Steve McQueen. Before this, Griccioli was a curatorial assistant at WIELS in Brussels and she has taught at a number of universities in Milan including the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera and Università Luigi Bocconi.


About Matylda Krzykowski
Matylda Krzykowski (Świebodzice, PL) plans, designs, produces, writes and speaks in connection with physical and digital space. The Artistic Director of CIVIC at Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW works at the interface between design, art, architecture and performance. Her most recent work includes the installation “You Don’t Want Space, You Want To Fill It” in Marsèll Paradise in Milan (2022), the video exhibition “Airtime - What is wanted?” for the Swiss Consulate General in New York City (2021) and the curatorial work on “The Energy Show – Sun, Solar and Human Power” at Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam (2022), “GROP” by Barbara Stauffacher Solomon for von Bartha in Basel (2021) and “Total Space” in the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (2020).


Edi­to­rial inquiries:
STAGE Bre­genz, Renger van den Heuvel, phone +43/660/5961401, e‑mail
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, phone +43/664/9682626, e‑mail