
Vario­sys­tems acce­le­rates time to market for elec­tronic solutions

Suc­cessful start for VARIO­in­cu­bator and Rapid Prototyping

Steinach, October 24, 2023 – Fast, effi­cient, and reliable: the VARIO­in­cu­bator from Swiss elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner Vario­sys­tems con­so­li­dates all of the acti­vi­ties that take the cus­tomer from the initial idea to mass pro­duc­tion, and then ensures long-term avai­la­bi­lity via life-cycle manage­ment. By inte­gra­ting the com­pany Kubeg into the group, Vario­sys­tems is now able to pro­duce func­tional pro­to­types in just one week, mas­si­vely shor­tening time to market. The com­pany plans to fur­ther expand the new site in Zizers for rapid pro­to­ty­ping and small batch pro­duc­tion in the coming years and to already grow by roughly 20 per­cent in 2024.

Rapid pro­duc­tion of elec­tronic solu­tions – Vario­sys­tems expands its exper­tise as a global ser­vice partner and enhances its port­folio with rapid pro­to­ty­ping. Through the intro­duc­tion of the VARIO­in­cu­bator, the inter­na­tio­nally active Swiss tech­no­logy com­pany with head­quar­ters in Steinach covers all acti­vi­ties involved in the deve­lo­p­ment, pro­cu­re­ment, and pro­duc­tion of elec­tronic pro­ducts. By inte­gra­ting the rapid pro­to­ty­ping spe­cia­list Kubeg from Zizers into the group, Vario­sys­tems is able to pro­duce func­tional samples for rapid vali­da­tion of deve­lo­p­ment results after just one week.

By joi­ning pro­jects from the deve­lo­p­ment stage, pro­vi­ding sup­port during the pro­to­ty­ping phase, and offe­ring coor­di­nated work­flows, shorter lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and fewer ite­ra­tions, we signi­fi­cantly reduce time to market and the­r­e­fore cut costs. Depen­ding on the pro­ject, we can shorten the dura­tion by several weeks to months,” empha­sizes Julian Spe­cker, Head of VARIO­in­cu­bator. The VARIO­in­cu­bator partner net­work con­sists of more than 100 engi­neers. Vario­sys­tems also offers its own deve­lo­p­ment ser­vices via Solve Engi­nee­ring. While deve­lo­p­ment and indus­tria­liza­tion are underway, the elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner ensures the avai­la­bi­lity of all com­pon­ents early on via life-cycle manage­ment, iden­ti­fies alter­na­tives, and thus gua­ran­tees long-term mass production.

Invest­ments in the Zizers Site
The site for pro­to­ty­ping and small batch pro­duc­tion in Zizers (in the Swiss canton of Gri­sons) plays a cen­tral role in the company’s stra­tegic ori­en­ta­tion as a partner for inno­va­tors. The Zizers site curr­ently has around 50 employees. The team, struc­ture, and cont­acts remained unch­anged after the take­over. “The high level of trust has paid off for ever­yone. We con­tri­bute our exper­tise to the VARIO­in­cu­bator and com­bine our strengths with the global com­pe­tence of Vario­sys­tems. In this way, we sup­port inno­va­tors in redu­cing deve­lo­p­ment times and enable com­pa­nies to make a seam­less tran­si­tion from small batch to mass pro­duc­tion during the sca­ling phase,” says Silvan Wüth­rich, site manager in Zizers.

Through its inte­gra­tion into the group and the launch of the VARIO­in­cu­bator, Vario­sys­tems plans to increase sales in the pro­to­type and small batch seg­ment by roughly 20 per­cent in 2024. “The model has proven to be a win-win for all sides in just a few months and can also become a suc­cess story in our other global cus­tomer orga­niza­tions in the future. We are already noti­cing that pro­cesses are spee­ding up signi­fi­cantly and we are bene­fiting from early invol­vement in pro­jects. This is also reflected in the wealth of posi­tive feed­back we have received from cus­to­mers, poten­tial cus­to­mers, and market experts,” reports Julian Specker.



About Variosystems
Variosystems AG, headquartered in Steinach (Switzerland), is a global service partner for electronics solutions. Founded in 1993, the company generates revenues of 300 million Swiss francs (2022). Variosystems has over 2,500 employees at sites in Switzerland, the United States, Sri Lanka, China, Croatia, and Mexico. The technology company’s solutions are used in aerospace and medical technology as well as in industrial and high-end consumer electronics products, among others.


Contact for edi­to­rial inquiries:
Vario­sys­tems AG, Tobias Bil­geri, +41–71-447‑8653,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43–664-968‑2626,