
Vario­sys­tems high­lights focus on full-system solu­tions with new brand identity

The global elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner guides from the pro­duct idea to series production

Steinach (Switz­er­land), November 12, 2024 – “Co-Creating Lea­ding Inno­va­tors” is how Vario­sys­tems AG, based in Steinach, Switz­er­land, sees its pur­pose. In recent years, the com­pany has sys­te­ma­ti­cally deve­loped from being an EMS spe­cia­list to the global ser­vice partner for elec­tro­nics solu­tions. With a tar­geted expan­sion of its port­folio of ser­vices, the rein­force­ment of its global supply chain and pro­duc­tion basis, and con­sis­tent ali­gnment of its orga­niza­tion with the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, Vario­sys­tems has paved the way for its future as a reliable and sus­tainable ser­vice partner across the entire elec­tro­nics value chain. The new bran­ding pre­sented at elec­tro­nica 2024 in Munich empha­sizes the ambi­tions of the all-inclusive solu­tion pro­vider and puts the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence at the center. 

Offe­ring ever­y­thing under one roof, from the initial pro­duct idea to the packed-and-ready elec­tronic pro­duct fresh out of series pro­duc­tion, Vario­sys­tems is the global elec­tro­nics ser­vice partner that pro­vides all ser­vices. With cus­tomer orga­niza­tions in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, China, and North Ame­rica, the com­pany ensures close-knit over­sight across the entire value chain. As part of its trans­for­ma­tion from EMS spe­cia­list to full-system pro­vider, Vario­sys­tems in recent years opened new sites, boosted capa­city, estab­lished regional supply chains, and per­fected its port­folio of ser­vices with stra­tegic acqui­si­tions in engi­nee­ring and rapid prototyping.

Our cus­to­mers expect that working with us will reduce time to market for their pro­duct inno­va­tion, that our supply chain ser­vices will meet their cost, qua­lity, and supply demands, and that we will serve them on all con­ti­nents around the clock. To meet these demands, we have expanded our range of deve­lo­p­ment and life cycle manage­ment ser­vices and rein­forced our orga­niza­tion and pro­duc­tion basis glo­bally,” explains CEO Ste­phan Son­der­egger. The new bran­ding, which was just pre­sented at elec­tro­nica 2024 in Munich, high­lights this trans­for­ma­tion. “The brand is intended to raise the visi­bi­lity of our mis­sion as a full-system pro­vider and put the Vario­sys­tems cus­tomer expe­ri­ence at the center,” says Sonderegger.

Secu­rity and risk minimization
Vario­sys­tems ori­ents itself toward the CDMO (con­tract deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring orga­niza­tion) model used in the phar­maceu­tical industry. The com­pany has four cus­tomer orga­niza­tions, with regional deve­lo­p­ment, indus­tria­liza­tion, pro­duc­tion, and life cycle manage­ment com­pe­ten­cies gui­ding OEM (ori­ginal equip­ment manu­fac­turer) cus­to­mers with the rea­liza­tion of pro­duct inno­va­tion and the series pro­duc­tion of it. “Har­mo­nized pro­cesses and pro­duc­tion infra­struc­ture, a high degree of digi­ta­liza­tion and auto­ma­tion, and a glo­bally inte­grated supply chain allow rapid mul­ti­pli­ca­tion. This makes us a long-term partner who creates plan­ning cer­tainty and mini­mizes our cus­to­mers’ supply chain risk,” Son­der­egger empha­sizes. Inter­con­nected fac­to­ries, uni­form pro­duc­tion infra­struc­ture, digi­tized pro­cesses, and stan­dar­dized engi­nee­ring tech­no­logy plat­forms gua­rantee a cus­tomer expe­ri­ence that is iden­tical across the world.

Invest­ment in deve­lo­p­ment and production
The ser­vice port­folio com­bines engi­nee­ring, rapid pro­to­ty­ping, and series pro­duc­tion all under one roof. “We get involved starting with the initial pro­duct idea and accom­pany it through to series pro­duc­tion with the same points of contact. This seam­less inter­face reduces the time to market, lowers pro­duct costs, and ensures clear and trans­pa­rent cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tion. That is what makes us dif­fe­rent from classic EMS pro­vi­ders,” says Son­der­egger. Vario­sys­tems has deve­loped a com­pe­tence center for rapid pro­to­ty­ping in Zizers, Switz­er­land and acce­le­rated the expan­sion of global engi­nee­ring capa­city with a com­pe­tence center in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Global pro­duc­tion capa­city has been dou­bled since late 2023 with a new-build faci­lity in Sri Lanka and the acqui­si­tion of the EMS divi­sion of elec­tronic com­po­nent manu­fac­turer SCHURTER. Starting in mid-2025, a roughly 6,000 square meter new-build pro­ject in Varaždin, Croatia will offer even more space for elec­tro­nics assembly and equip­ment manu­fac­tu­ring. Addi­tio­nally, pro­duc­tion capa­city for printed cir­cuit board assembly and equip­ment manu­fac­tu­ring in Mexico will be increased over the coming year to sup­port growth in North Ame­rica. With this expan­sion, Vario­sys­tems remains on track to gene­rate reve­nues close to 500 mil­lion Swiss francs by 2026.



About Variosystems
Variosystems AG, headquartered in Steinach, Switzerland, is a global service partner for electronics solutions. The company, founded in 1993, employs approximately 2,000 individuals globally at locations in Switzerland, the United States, Sri Lanka, China, Croatia, Romania, and Mexico. Variosystems covers everything from development and procurement to industrialization and large-scale production as well as life cycle management across the entire value chain. The technology company’s solutions are used in aerospace and medical technology as well as in industrial and high-end consumer electronics products, among others.


Contact for edi­to­rial inquiries:
Vario­sys­tems AG, Tobias Bil­geri, +41–71-447‑8653,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43–664-968‑2626,