
Vario­sys­tems streng­thens its global engi­nee­ring expertise

The system pro­vider for elec­tro­nics solu­tions opens a global Engi­nee­ring Ser­vice Center in Sri Lanka

Steinach (CH)/Colombo (LK), January 22, 2025 – Vario­sys­tems, the glo­bally ope­ra­ting system pro­vider for high-quality elec­tronic solu­tions, rea­ches ano­ther mile­stone moment in the company’s deve­lo­p­ment. In ope­ning of the global Engi­nee­ring Ser­vice Center in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the com­pany is expan­ding its engi­nee­ring exper­tise to meet the demand for advanced ser­vices such as obso­le­s­cence manage­ment, elec­tro­nics design and test development.

Elec­tro­nics and test deve­lo­p­ment, PCB layout design, embedded soft­ware engi­nee­ring, proac­tive obso­le­s­cence manage­ment: all offered by Vario­sys­tems under a single roof at the global Engi­nee­ring Ser­vice Center in Colombo. The glo­bally active system pro­vider for high-quality elec­tro­nics solu­tions opens the new loca­tion in the capital of Sri Lanka. “Our cus­to­mers con­tinue to benefit from close sup­port on the ground. We develop solu­tions and directly interact with cus­to­mers at our regional engi­nee­ring loca­tions. The Ser­vice Center in Colombo is the back­bone that sup­ports this local pre­sence with addi­tional exper­tise and expanded capa­ci­ties,” empha­sizes Ste­phan Son­der­egger, CEO of Variosystems.

Engi­nee­ring exper­tise under a single roof
The new global Engi­nee­ring Ser­vice Center in Colombo expands the port­folio of engi­nee­ring ser­vices, increases capa­ci­ties and sup­ports the regional engi­nee­ring orga­niza­tions across Europe, North Ame­rica, China and Asia-Pacific. “Using Colombo as a stra­tegic loca­tion, we can draw on highly qua­li­fied talent and make the best use of being close to our pro­duc­tion faci­lity in Bad­al­gama,” explains Markus Dil­linger, Global Head of Engineering.

The Ser­vice Center team is set to grow to over 20 experts by 2027. “Our invest­ments in per­sonnel and tech­no­logy rein­force our goal of pro­vi­ding even better sup­port to cus­to­mers across the globe,” con­tinued Dil­linger. Aside from PCB layout design and life cycle manage­ment, the extended ser­vices also include design-for-assembly, design-for-testability and design-for-manufacturing. Now that these are offered, the Ser­vice Center is streng­thening its regional exper­tise, allo­wing the com­pany to adapt to cus­tomer requi­re­ments even more precisely.

Regional cus­tomer expe­ri­ence com­bined with global sup­port
For years, Vario­sys­tems has spe­cia­lized in offe­ring cus­to­mers from across the globe indi­vi­dua­lized testing tech­no­logy and deve­lo­p­ment ser­vices. Along­side the regional teams, the exis­ting net­work of test engi­neers works clo­sely with the new loca­tion in Colombo to take both effi­ci­ency and qua­lity to the next level. The cus­tomer expe­ri­ence remains cle­arly rooted in the regions here: Inter­ac­ting with cus­to­mers, indi­vi­dual cus­to­miza­tion and deve­lo­ping spe­cific solu­tions will con­tinue to take place at a local level across Europe, North Ame­rica, China and Asia-Pacific. The Ser­vice Center in Colombo works as a cen­tral engine that sup­ports and acce­le­rates these processes.

Taking a stra­tegic step into the future
By expan­ding its range of global engi­nee­ring offers, Vario­sys­tems is fol­lo­wing hard after its stra­tegy of acting as a system pro­vider along the entire value chain – from deve­lo­p­ment, indus­tria­liza­tion and pro­duc­tion through to life cycle management.

The acqui­si­tion of deve­lo­p­ment partner SOLVE and rapid pro­to­ty­ping spe­cia­list KUBEG in recent years rein­forces the company’s desire to com­bine inno­va­tion and effi­ci­ency. The new Engi­nee­ring Ser­vice Center in Colombo is ano­ther piece of the puzzle for over­co­ming tech­no­lo­gical chal­lenges and sup­porting cus­to­mers world­wide with first-class solutions.



About Variosystems
Variosystems AG, headquartered in Steinach, Switzerland, is a global service partner for electronics solutions. The company, founded in 1993, employs approximately 2,000 individuals globally at locations in Switzerland, the United States, Sri Lanka, China, Croatia, Romania, and Mexico. Variosystems covers everything from development and procurement to industrialization and large-scale production as well as life cycle management across the entire value chain. The technology company’s solutions are used in aerospace and medical technology as well as in industrial and high-end consumer electronics products, among others.


Contact for edi­to­rial inquiries:
Vario­sys­tems AG, Rebecca Huber, +41/71/4478622,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, +43–664-968‑2626,