
Paboco moves into full-scale production

Slan­gerup (Den­mark), 20 February 2024 – On the theme “Let’s paper up busi­ness!”, Paboco, The Paper Bottle Com­pany, proudly laun­ches the Next Gen Paper Bottle by initia­ting full-scale pro­duc­tion, mar­king a mile­stone towards a more sus­tainable future. “This is a fan­ta­stic oppor­tu­nity for con­scious brands and con­su­mers loo­king to make a real dif­fe­rence”, says CEO Tim Silbermann.

The Next Gen Paper Bottle signi­fies Paboco’s dedi­ca­tion to pur­suing its vision of fully bio­based bottle pack­a­ging. With a new state-of-the-art manu­fac­tu­ring site in Slan­gerup, Den­mark, Paboco is gea­ring up for full-scale pro­duc­tion. The aim? To deliver over 20 mil­lion paper bot­tles by the end of 2025.

A natural choice for a broad con­sumer market
Built on the idea of less fossil, more natural mate­rials, the Next Gen Paper Bottle offers a minimal bar­rier solu­tion while staying fully recy­clable as paper pack­a­ging. Paboco empowers brands with design fle­xi­bi­lity, allo­wing them to choose bet­ween stan­dard paper bot­tles or bespoke designs. This ver­sa­ti­lity allows them to express their iden­tity and con­nect with con­su­mers on a deeper level.

Initi­ally tar­ge­ting brands in the beauty and home­care sec­tors, the Next Gen Paper Bottle shows pro­mise across various indus­tries, inclu­ding pre­mium spi­rits, food and beverage, vit­amins and pills, pet care and more, indi­ca­ting signi­fi­cant advance­ments in these areas. This scope offers con­su­mers the oppor­tu­nity to be part of dri­ving change by choo­sing FSC-certified fibre-based pack­a­ging with less cli­mate and envi­ron­mental impact.

Acce­le­ra­ting growth for a sus­tainable impact
With ALPLA as the new majo­rity share­holder and a long-trusted partner, Paboco is primed for acce­le­rated growth, posi­tio­ning itself as a leader in sus­tainable pack­a­ging solu­tions. CEO Tim Sil­ber­mann unders­cores this momentum by stating:

The Next Gen Paper Bottle marks a mile­stone in our journey towards a fully bio­based paper bottle. With ALPLA’s backing and our focus on full-scale pro­duc­tion, we’re tran­si­tio­ning from an inno­va­tion pio­neer to a pro­gres­sive busi­ness, ready to fill our order books. Ulti­m­ately, we are here to make a sus­tainable impact and start a move­ment by pla­cing paper bot­tles in the hands of every consumer.”

Tested and sup­ported by world-leading brands
Since 2021, Paboco has been testing its ground-breaking pro­ducts in part­ner­ship with Pio­neer Com­mu­nity mem­bers: The Absolut Group, Carls­berg Group, The Coca-Cola Com­pany, L’O­réal, and Procter & Gamble.

After years of inno­va­tion and suc­cessful col­la­bo­ra­tions, we are now pre­pared to launch the Next Gen Paper Bottle on a larger scale”, Tim Sil­ber­mann con­ti­nues. “I wel­come more con­scious brands that want to join us in chan­ging this industry for good.”

Video: Paboco - Let's paper up business


Contact Infor­ma­tion:
For media inqui­ries or fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please contact:
Paboco, Tim Sil­ber­mann, CEO Paboco, +45–23106419,
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit., Joshua Köb, +43–664-968‑2626,


About Paboco
Paboco, the Paper Bottle Company, based in Slangerup, Denmark, is dedicated to developing and producing innovative and patented fibre-based packaging solutions through pulp-forming technology. With a strong focus on sustainability, Paboco aims to change the packaging industry for good with recyclable and ultimately fully biobased paper bottles.



What does the Next Gen Paper Bottle consist of?
The Next Gen Paper Bottle combines 85% paper with a 15% HDPE barrier; variances might apply depending on bottle shape and target market. Durable and splash-resistant, it offers a premium packaging solution to set brands apart at the point of sale.

What is the product vision?
The long-term goal of Paboco is to develop and scale fully bio-based and recyclable paper bottles.

How do you recycle the bottle?
Crafted from FSC-certified paper, and with a minimal barrier, the Next Gen Paper Bottle is recycled with the paper packaging stream, in which the layers are finally separated (depending on the national collection and recycling system)

What are the customer options?
Paboco will offer a standard bottle portfolio, for the time being, targeted towards the personal and beauty care segment, as well as the possibility to develop unique, customized versions that offer surface embossing and debossing options for a unique tactile experience.

What is the production capacity?
By the end of 2025, Paboco expects to be in full swing, delivering a minimum of 20 million bottles per year from four production lines.

Are there any restrictions?
The initial production is focused on larger-scale production with a minimum of 10,000 bottles for the categories of beauty care, vitamins and supplements, and pet care/food. Over time, the scope will be widened to also cover smaller batches and additional categories.