ALPLA app­ren­tices qua­lify in Shanghai

Nine tech­ni­cians assessed based on the Aus­trian model

Hard/Shanghai, 28th June 2018 – Four CNC-technicians and five pla­s­tics modellers from ALPLA China suc­cessfully com­pleted their final app­ren­ti­ce­ship exami­na­tion based on the Aus­trian model. An Austrian–Chinese alli­ance has been in place for the dual trai­ning of future tech­ni­cians since 2013. The exami­na­tion took place for the second time at ALPLA.

Nine ALPLA app­ren­tices suc­cessfully com­pleted their final app­ren­ti­ce­ship exami­na­tions based on the Aus­trian model in Shanghai this week. In 2013, the lea­ding inter­na­tional pack­a­ging spe­cia­list based in Hard (Vor­arl­berg, Aus­tria) estab­lished an alli­ance for the dual trai­ning of future pro­fes­sio­nals, invol­ving an app­ren­ti­ce­ship in the com­pany and les­sons in the voca­tional college.

Good results
Out of the four CNC-technicians and five pla­s­tics modellers who took the exami­na­tion, two passed with excel­lent results, two with good results, and the other five also suc­cessfully passed. They receive both a Chi­nese cer­ti­fi­cate and one from the Aus­trian Insti­tute for Eco­nomic Pro­mo­tion of the Aus­trian Eco­nomic Cham­bers (WIFI – Wirt­schafts­för­de­rungs­in­stitut). Three WIFI exami­ners tra­velled to China spe­ci­fi­cally to con­duct the exami­na­tion in accordance with the Aus­trian cri­teria. ALPLA has offered all of the young pro­fes­sio­nals a posi­tion in pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and mould construction.

240 app­ren­tices worldwide
ALPLA curr­ently has 240 app­ren­tices across five count­ries. ‘We are also fol­lo­wing the dual voca­tional trai­ning pro­gramme in Aus­tria, Ger­many, the United Kingdom and Mexico,’ says Julian Fässler, respon­sible for inter­na­tional app­ren­tice trai­ning at ALPLA. This is the only way for com­pa­nies to find new skilled employees. ‘Since 2016, we have also been trai­ning mecha­tro­nics tech­ni­cians in addi­tion to pla­s­tics modellers and machine tech­ni­cians. From autumn 2018, we will also offer mecha­tro­nics as an app­ren­ti­ce­ship option in Mexico,’ Fässler adds.

More infor­ma­tion: and

About the training alliance:
ALPLA established the Chinese–Austrian alliance for the training of technical professionals in 2013 in collaboration with the injection moulding machine manufacturer ENGEL and Shanghai Information Technology College. Four companies are now involved. 140 apprentices are currently in training positions in the alliance in three occupations. The Bavarian company ODU (connection systems) and the Upper Austrian company STIWA have also recently joined the alliance.


About ALPLA:
ALPLA is one of the leading companies in plastic packaging. Around 19,300 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and moulded parts at 176 sites across 45 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including for food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household detergents, washing and cleaning agents, engine oils and lubricants. ALPLA celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2015.

Addi­tional infor­ma­tion for editors:
ALPLA, Alex­andra Dittrich (PR and Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), Tele­phone: +43 (0)5574 602 1083, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Werner F. Sommer, Tele­phone: +43 (0)699 1025 4817, email: