ALPLA on course for suc­cess with record tur­nover of 5.1 bil­lion euros

27.5 per cent increase due to growth and rise in costs

Hard, 13 January 2023 – The ALPLA Group can look back on a suc­cessful finan­cial year 2022 in spite of the crisis. Sales of 5.1 bil­lion euros exceeded the pre­vious year’s figure by 27.5 per cent. In addi­tion to the company’s growth stra­tegy, the record tur­nover reflects the signi­fi­cantly higher costs for energy, mate­rials, staff and trans­port. In 2023, the pack­a­ging and recy­cling spe­cia­list will focus on expan­ding its injec­tion moul­ding capa­ci­ties, inves­ting in recy­cling, expan­ding its Pharma divi­sion and rese­ar­ching alter­na­tive materials.

ALPLA con­tinued its inter­na­tional growth tra­jec­tory in 2022, expan­ding pro­duc­tion capa­ci­ties, incre­asing staff num­bers and pos­ting sales growth of 27.5 per cent. The inter­na­tional spe­cia­list for pack­a­ging solu­tions and recy­cling the­r­e­fore achieved a posi­tive annual result despite mas­sive increases in energy prices and a shortage of raw mate­rials. Newly opened sites, acqui­si­tions and expan­sions resulted in more than 1,000 addi­tional employees. The number of plants increased from 177 to 190.

The pack­a­ging industry will be dealing with high costs, changes in demand and chan­ging con­sumer beha­viour for a long time to come. We use effi­ci­ency, inno­va­tion and recy­cling exper­tise to rea­lise safe, affordable and sus­tainable pla­stic solu­tions in times of crisis too,’ empha­sises ALPLA CEO Philipp Lehner. In addi­tion to tar­geted acqui­si­tions, the key fac­tors con­tri­bu­ting to the suc­cess were close and long-standing part­ner­ships, strong regional roots and the expe­dited expan­sion of recy­cling capacities.

Growth mar­kets, injec­tion moul­ding and recycling
The long-term aim is for the com­pany to grow by four to five per cent annu­ally. In addi­tion to capa­city expan­sions in its core busi­ness, ALPLA is also plan­ning stra­tegic invest­ments in injec­tion moul­ding, increased invol­vement in the phar­maceu­tical sector and the expan­sion of the global cir­cular eco­nomy. At the same time, there will be rese­arch into alter­na­tive, bio-based and biode­gra­dable mate­rials. ‘We are stri­ving for long-term sus­tainable growth, streng­thening our global pre­sence, pro­mo­ting recy­clable pro­ducts, mini­mi­sing the use of resources and energy con­sump­tion, and expan­ding our port­folio,’ announces Lehner.

The focus is pri­ma­rily on the growth mar­kets of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and North Ame­rica. In the area of recy­cling, ALPLA has been inves­ting more than 50 mil­lion euros annu­ally in capa­city expan­sions and tech­no­logy deve­lo­p­ment since 2021. For there to be more pack­a­ging which is both recy­clable and affordable, closed loops and suf­fi­cient mate­rials are needed. ALPLA is the­r­e­fore plan­ning to double the annual pro­duc­tion of recy­cled mate­rials at its own plants by 2026 and is sup­porting the deve­lo­p­ment and opti­mi­sa­tion of local coll­ec­tion sys­tems around the world.


About the ALPLA Group
ALPLA is one of the world’s leading companies in the manufacture and reuse of plastic packaging. Around 23,300 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, caps and moulded parts at 190 sites in 46 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including for food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household cleaning products, detergents and cleaning agents, pharmaceutical products, engine oils and lubricants.

ALPLA operates recycling plants for PET and HDPE in Austria, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Romania and Thailand. Other projects are being realised elsewhere around the world.


Infor­ma­tion for editorial
ALPLA, Erik Nielsen (Team Leader Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), tel.: +43 (0)5574 6021 701, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, tel.: +43 (0)5574 4471 522, email: