ALPLA starts pro­duc­tion at the new plant in Lan­seria near Johannesburg

New head­quar­ters for Sub-Saharan Africa: 35,000 square metres for pro­duc­tion, logi­stics, admi­nis­tra­tion and training

Hard/Lanseria, 12 October 2022 – In the pre­sence of the South African Envi­ron­ment Minister, the ALPLA Group opened a state-of-the-art pro­duc­tion site in Lan­seria near Johan­nes­burg. In the new head­quar­ters for Sub-Saharan Africa, the inter­na­tio­nally active pla­stic pack­a­ging spe­cia­list is mer­ging five pre­vious loca­tions in South Africa under one roof. All ALPLA tech­no­lo­gies, pro­cesses and mate­rials are com­bined in the Lan­seria plant and the first app­ren­ti­ce­ship pro­gramme of ALPLA in Africa will start at the begin­ning of 2023.

35,000 square metres of covered pro­duc­tion, admi­nis­tra­tion and sto­rage space, ano­ther 12,500 for future expan­sion, and 30,000 square metres of roof area equipped with solar panels: with the new plant in Lan­seria, ALPLA is set­ting the course for fur­ther growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. After around two years of con­s­truc­tion and relo­ca­tion, the inter­na­tional pack­a­ging com­pany cele­brated the ope­ning of the ultra-modern loca­tion on 12 October in the pre­sence of the South African Minister of Forestry, Fishe­ries and the Envi­ron­ment Bar­bara Creecy, the Pre­mier of the Gau­teng pro­vince Pan­yaza Lesufi, Aus­trian Ambassador-Designate to South Africa Romana Königs­brun and many other high-ranking guests.

All of Sub-Saharan Africa is on the ups­wing, the mar­kets have enormous poten­tial. Our invest­ment in South Africa is a clear com­mit­ment to the con­ti­nent. In this way, we are incre­asing our com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and gua­ran­te­eing the long-term regional supply of safe, affordable and sus­tainable pack­a­ging solu­tions,’ explains ALPLA CEO Philipp Lehner. ‘Here in Lan­seria we con­cen­trate our exper­tise, opti­mise pro­duc­tion pro­cesses, use state-of-the-art equip­ment and create energy-efficient ope­ra­tions,’ adds Mike Res­nicek, Mana­ging Director Sub-Saharan Africa at ALPLA. The plant has one of the lar­gest solar instal­la­tions on a pri­va­tely owned manu­fac­tu­ring buil­ding in South Africa.

Com­bined com­pe­ten­cies and technologies
The new loca­tion in the indus­trial area north of Johan­nes­burg com­bines and builds on the five pre­vious plants in Har­ris­mith, Denver, Isando, Kempton Park and Sam­rand. The depart­ments, employees and machines were relo­cated step by step. Around 350 employees will start working in Lan­seria and their number is sub­ject to fur­ther growth. The new plant will pro­duce bot­tles, clo­sures and spe­cial pack­a­ging for the food, per­sonal and home care, che­mical, clea­ning agent and phar­maceu­tical indus­tries – a total of around 3.5 bil­lion pieces per year.

ALPLA uses six dif­fe­rent tech­no­lo­gies, inclu­ding injec­tion and com­pres­sion moul­ding, injec­tion stretch blow moul­ding and extru­sion blow moul­ding. In addi­tion to inter­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions, ALPLA also sup­plies smaller local com­pa­nies with pla­stic pack­a­ging solu­tions. ‘The new plant with its modern equip­ment meets all inter­na­tional qua­lity stan­dards, is ope­rated effi­ci­ently and increases fle­xi­bi­lity. Our cus­to­mers in the region will benefit from this ser­vice in the long term,’ says Javier Del­gado, ALPLA Regional Mana­ging Director Africa, Middle East and Turkey.

Suc­cess story apprenticeship
With the new plant in Lan­seria, ALPLA is also pro­mo­ting its own trai­ning of spe­cia­lists and has estab­lished a dual edu­ca­tion and app­ren­ti­ce­ship pro­gramme. This dual system of prac­tical and theo­re­tical trai­ning based on the Aus­trian model is already in ope­ra­tion at the ALPLA loca­tions in Ger­many, Mexico, India, Poland and China. From 2023, the first 12 South African app­ren­tices are to begin their trai­ning in the pla­s­tics tech­no­logy and machi­ning tech­no­logy trades in the ‘Future Corner’ trai­ning centre in Lanseria.

Inde­pen­dent per­sonnel deve­lo­p­ment is an important buil­ding block for the future of the com­pany, as Res­nicek empha­sises: ‘Global know-how, ability to run on state-of-the-art equip­ment, inno­va­tive spirit, team spirit and problem-solving skills cha­rac­te­rise our “Family of Pio­neers”. We intro­duce young people, mainly from the Lan­seria com­mu­nity, to the world of ALPLA and offer them the oppor­tu­nity for pro­fes­sional and per­sonal deve­lo­p­ment. We look for­ward to the African and South African pre­miere of this suc­cessful model.’


About the ALPLA Group
ALPLA is one of the leading companies for plastic packaging and recycling. Around 22,100 employees produce tailor-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and injection moulded parts at 177 locations in 45 countries. The areas of application for the quality packaging are diverse: food and beverages, cosmetics and care products, household cleaners, detergents and cleaning agents, pharmaceuticals, motor oil and lubricants.

ALPLA operates recycling plants for PET and HDPE in Austria, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Romania and Thailand. Other projects are being implemented internationally.


Infor­ma­tion for editors
ALPLA, Erik Nielsen (Senior Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Manager), phone: +43 (0)5574 6021 701, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Joshua Köb, phone: +43 (0)5574 44715 22, email: