PET Recy­cling Team fur­ther improves carbon foot­print of rPET

Recy­cling plant uses only power from rene­wable energy sources

Hard/Wöllersdorf, 21 March, 2018: PET pel­lets from post-consumer drink bot­tles pro­vided by PET Recy­cling Team GmbH, a sub­si­diary of ALPLA, result in green­house gas emis­sions that are only a tenth of the level for new mate­rial. This has been con­firmed in a recent investigation.

Last year, PET Recy­cling Team (PRT) in Wöl­lers­dorf, Lower Aus­tria, obtained a mea­su­re­ment of the envi­ron­mental impact of recy­cled PET (rPET) pro­duced in-house. The cal­cu­lated value was a carbon dioxide equi­va­lent of 0.45 kg for every kilo­gram of mate­rial pro­duced. A new cal­cu­la­tion by c7-consult takes into account the now opti­mised power mix, resul­ting in a carbon dioxide equi­va­lent of just 0.21 kg.

By swit­ching to elec­tri­city from rene­wable sources, we have again managed to reduce CO2 emis­sions by a con­siderable margin,’ says Peter Frö­schel, plant manager. ‘Our annual pro­duc­tion of rPET amounts to around 31,000 tonnes. It would take a mixed forest area the size of 6,231 foot­ball pit­ches to absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide emis­sions we are saving each year com­pared to the pro­duc­tion of new PET material.’

Gro­wing demand for rPET
New mate­rial, also known as virgin PET, has a carbon dioxide equi­va­lent of 2.15 kg per kilo­gram. This means that the green­house gas emis­sions for recy­cled mate­rial from Wöl­lers­dorf are only a tenth as high. CEO Gün­ther Lehner sees this as con­fir­ma­tion of the sus­taina­bi­lity stra­tegy at ALPLA: ‘We have noticed greater demand for pro­ducts made from recy­cled mate­rials. In recent years, we have managed to move away from dis­cus­sions that focus purely on cost, estab­li­shing sus­taina­bi­lity as a core value.’

Entire recy­cling pro­cess examined in detail
The envi­ron­mental impact (carbon foot­print) was cal­cu­lated in accordance with ISO 14044, starting with the coll­ec­tion and sorting of used PET bot­tles and cove­ring trans­por­ta­tion to the Wöl­lers­dorf plant as well as washing, pro­ces­sing and gra­nu­la­ting. The ana­lysis is based on the mass and energy balance (elec­tri­city and gas con­sump­tion) for 2016, which has remained con­stant since.

Invest­ment in PET recycling
ALPLA has been working inten­si­vely on pla­stic recy­cling methods for over 20 years. ‘Our cus­to­mers are com­mitted to sus­taina­bi­lity, and we sup­port them with our exper­tise. We believe that recy­cling is appro­priate and important not just for legal reasons: it is an eco­nomic sector of great signi­fi­cance for the envi­ron­ment and the future of our industry,’ says CEO Gün­ther Lehner.

ALPLA ope­rates recy­cling plants in three loca­tions. In addi­tion to the wholly owned sub­si­diary in Wöl­lers­dorf, a plant was estab­lished in 2013 in Radomsko, Poland, and there is a joint ven­ture in Mexico. In total, 65,000 tonnes of food-grade rPET is pro­duced from post-consumer mate­rial at the three plants each year.

More infor­ma­tion:

PET Recycling Team GmbH (PRT) – fact box
2005 Founded in Wöllersdorf
2010 ALPLA becomes majority shareholder
2012 Subsidiary company PRT Radomsko constructed (southern Poland)
2014 ALPLA takes over PRT completely
Employees: 50 in Wöllersdorf (75 in Radomsko)
Annual production in Wöllersdorf: 31,000 tonnes of rPET
Annual production in Radomsko: 11,000 tonnes of rPET
Products: PET pellets, PET flakes, PO flakes


What does the term carbon footprint mean?
The carbon footprint or environmental impact indicates the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) that occur throughout the entire life cycle of a product. It is calculated for a defined functional unit – in this case for a kilogram of rPET, produced in 2016 at the Wöllersdorf recycling plant of PET Recycling Team GmbH (part of the ALPLA Group). For further information about the calculation, please see


About ALPLA:
ALPLA is one of the leading companies in plastic packaging. Around 19,300 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and moulded parts at 176 sites across 45 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household detergents, washing and cleaning agents, engine oils and lubricants. ALPLA celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2015.


Addi­tional infor­ma­tion for editors:
ALPLA, Alex­andra Dittrich (PR and cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions), phone: +43 (0)5574 602 1083, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Werner F. Sommer, phone: +43 (0)699 1025 4817, email: