Study con­firms the excel­lent carbon foot­print of recy­cled PET 

Experts cal­cu­lated the carbon foot­print of rPET: savings of 79 per cent

Hard/Wöllersdorf, 9 August 2017 – Recy­cled PET (rPET) from PET Recy­cling Team GmbH – a wholly owned sub­si­diary of ALPLA based in Wöllersdorf/Lower Aus­tria – results in 79 per cent lower CO2 emis­sions com­pared to new mate­rial. This is a signi­fi­cantly higher saving than pre­viously assumed. A study con­ducted by denk­statt GmbH on behalf of ALPLA came to this conclusion. 

ALPLA, a lea­ding inter­na­tional pro­ducer of pla­stic pack­a­ging solu­tions, has been working on PET recy­cling for over 20 years. Alt­hough the eco­nomic con­di­tions for the recy­cling of pla­stic are curr­ently dif­fi­cult due to the low price of oil, ALPLA con­ti­nues to follow this cor­ner­stone of its sus­taina­bi­lity stra­tegy. To high­light the value of recy­cling PET pla­stic, ALPLA com­mis­sioned denk­statt GmbH to cal­cu­late the carbon foot­print for rPET.

rPET reduces CO2 emis­sions and con­serves fossil fuels
The result of the study exceeds pre­vious assump­tions. The rPET pro­duced by PET Recy­cling Team GmbH in Wöl­lers­dorf has a carbon foot­print of 0.45 kg CO2 equi­va­lent per kilo­gram of rPET. Virgin PET, or new mate­rial, accounts for a CO2 equi­va­lent of 2.15 kg per kilo­gram. This cor­re­sponds to a CO2 equi­va­lent of 1.7 kg or 79 per cent lower green­house gas emis­sions for rPET. Plant manager Peter Frö­schel explains: ‘The savings for a single kilo­gram of rPET are enough to power a 13-watt bulb con­ti­nuously for twenty days in the Aus­trian power mix.’

Entire recy­cling pro­cess examined in detail
The carbon foot­print was cal­cu­lated in accordance with ISO 14044, starting with the coll­ec­tion and sorting of used PET bot­tles, cove­ring trans­por­ta­tion to the recy­cling plant in Wöl­lers­dorf, through to washing, pro­ces­sing and gra­nu­la­ting. The ana­lysis is based on the mass and energy balance (elec­tri­city and gas con­sump­tion) for 2016 at the Wöl­lers­dorf recy­cling plant in Austria.

ALPLA invests in recycling
ALPLA has decades of expe­ri­ence in the recy­cling of PET, as well as in the pro­ces­sing of recy­cled pla­s­tics. ALPLA ope­rates recy­cling enter­prises at three sites – a joint ven­ture in Mexico, the wholly owned sub­si­diary PET Recy­cling Team in Wöl­lers­dorf and a new recy­cling plant built in sou­thern Poland in 2013. The annual capa­city of these plants is around 65,000 tonnes of food-grade rPET.

We are wit­nessing a clear trend towards PET pack­a­ging. And not just in summer, when the beverage industry enjoys a boom due to hot wea­ther,’ says Frö­schel. This makes it all the more important to collect used pack­a­ging and return recy­clable mate­rials to the pro­duc­tion pro­cess. ‘Our recy­cling plants play a key role in this regard,’ the plant manager concludes.

More infor­ma­tion: or


Fact box: PET Recycling Team GmbH

  • 2005 Founded in Wöllersdorf
  • 2010 ALPLA becomes a majority shareholder
  • 2012 Subsidiary company PRT Radomsko constructed (southern Poland)
  • Employees: 50 in Wöllersdorf (75 in Radomsko)
  • Annual capacity: 35,000 rPET in food-grade quality
  • Products: PET pellets (food-safe and non-food-safe), PET flakes, PO flakes


Fact box: What does the term carbon footprint mean?

The carbon footprint or environmental impact indicates the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. CO2, methane, nitrous oxide) that occur throughout the entire life cycle of a product or a service. It is calculated for a defined functional unit – in this case for a kilogram of rPET, produced in 2016 at the Wöllersdorf recycling plant of PET Recycling Team GmbH (part of the ALPLA Group). For further general information about the calculation, please see


About ALPLA:
ALPLA is one of the lea­ding com­pa­nies in pla­stic pack­a­ging. Around 18,300 employees world­wide pro­duce custom-made pack­a­ging sys­tems, bot­tles, clo­sures and moulded parts at 172 sites across 45 count­ries. The high-quality pack­a­ging is used in a wide range of areas, inclu­ding for food and drinks, cos­me­tics and care pro­ducts, house­hold deter­gents, washing and clea­ning agents, engine oils and lubri­cants. ALPLA cele­brated its 60th anni­ver­sary in 2015.


Addi­tional infor­ma­tion for editors:
ALPLA, Dominic Fiel (Cor­po­rate Mar­ke­ting Ser­vices and Brand Manager), tele­phone: +43 (0)5574 602 119, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Alex­andra Dittrich, tele­phone: +43 (0)664 3939 353, email: