ALPLA Group to con­so­li­date its phar­maceu­ti­cals exper­tise in a spe­cial brand

ALPLApharma will make its debut at inter­na­tional trade show in Frank­furt am Main

Hard, 3 October 2019 – ALPLA Group, an inter­na­tional pla­stic pack­a­ging spe­cia­list, is com­bi­ning its exper­tise and ser­vices for cus­to­mers in the phar­maceu­tical industry under the ALPLApharma brand name. ALPLApharma will be pre­sen­ting CRC jus­tONE, an excep­tio­nally light, child­proof clo­sure, at the offi­cial debut of the new brand at CPhI in Frank­furt from 5 to 7 November 2019.

With acqui­si­tions in south-eastern Europe and Africa in pre­vious years, ALPLA has done more than just streng­then its pre­sence in these regions. Thanks to the new loca­tions, this family-run com­pany based in Aus­tria now has access to decades of expe­ri­ence in the pack­a­ging market for phar­maceu­tical products.

This exper­tise and all ser­vices for cus­to­mers in the phar­maceu­tical industry will now be com­bined into ALPLApharma. ALPLApharma is a brand of the ALPLA Group and not a legal entity of its own. Its first major appearance will be at the CPhI trade show in Frank­furt am Main from 5 to 7 November 2019, at dis­play #111A10 in the Inn­o­pack hall.

Broad pro­duct range, more ser­vice – and global presence
‘ALPLApharma is more than just a mar­ke­ting stra­tegy to us,’ asserts Walter Knes, Global Sales Director Clo­sure Sys­tems, Injected Parts and Pharma at ALPLA. ‘We are con­so­li­da­ting all our pre­vious work for phar­maceu­tical cus­to­mers under this brand. In doing so, we are com­bi­ning the spe­cific exper­tise available to us through our new loca­tions with all of our ser­vices, know­ledge and glo­bally appli­cable stan­dards.’ For cus­to­mers, Knes says that means a larger sel­ec­tion of pro­ducts and more ser­vice at an inter­na­tional level.

Stan­dard pack­a­ging and custom designs
ALPLA has pre­viously been known prin­ci­pally for its cus­to­mised pack­a­ging solu­tions. ‘In the phar­maceu­tical sector, however, stan­dar­dised pro­ducts play a large role’, explains Knes. The cur­rent pro­duct port­folio ranges from bot­tles for liquids and solids and con­tai­ners for tablets and pills to clo­sures and dis­pen­sing sys­tems – espe­ci­ally eyedrop­pers and nasal sprays – as well as devices for admi­nis­te­ring medi­ca­tion with and wit­hout mea­su­ring func­tion. However, ALPLA is hoping to excel in this market seg­ment just as much with custom-made designs, too.

CRC jus­tONE: a new gene­ra­tion of child-resistant closures
ALPLApharma will be pre­sen­ting an excep­tio­nally light, child­proof clo­sure at CPhI in the form of CRC jus­tONE. Nor­mally, there are three parts to a child­proof clo­sure with a tamper-evident band that can only be opened by simul­ta­neously pushing and tur­ning the clo­sure. These parts are pro­duced in three sepa­rate pro­duc­tion steps and then assem­bled later. ALPLApharma has stream­lined the pro­duc­tion pro­cess for a signi­fi­cantly more effi­cient work­flow: All parts are manu­fac­tured in just one injec­tion moul­ding pro­cess with straight­for­ward assembly. The new clo­sure is cer­ti­fied under 16 CFR § 1700.20 and ISO 8317 for child­proof pack­a­ging for bot­tles ran­ging from 30 mil­li­li­tres to 1.5 litres.

The improved manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess reduces mate­rial con­sump­tion by 25 per cent, a saving that achieves an excel­lent price-performance ratio and pro­tects resources. For the con­sumer, though, not­hing changes: CRC jus­tONE works just like other child-resistant clo­sures and pro­duct safety is just as reliable.

Visit ALPLApharma: Inn­o­pack hall, stand #111A10, or in the Inno­va­tion Gal­lery at stand #111D42! The Inno­va­tion Tour will also be stop­ping at the ALPLApharma stand.

More infor­ma­tion about the com­pany:

About ALPLA Group:
ALPLA is one of the leading companies involved in plastic packaging. Around 20,800 employees worldwide produce custom-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and moulded parts at 178 sites across 46 countries. The high-quality packaging is used in a wide range of areas, including for food and drinks, cosmetics and care products, household detergents, washing and cleaning agents, pharmaceutical products, engine oils and lubricants.
ALPLA operates its own recycling plants: PET Recycling Team with a site in both Austria and Poland, and in the form of joint ventures in Mexico and Germany. ALPLA has been cooperating with Texplast (Germany) on PET recycling since July 2018.

Enquiry infor­ma­tion for editorial:
ALPLA, Alex­andra Dittrich (PR & Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions), tel. +43 (0)5574 602 1083, email:
Pzwei. Pres­se­ar­beit, Werner F. Sommer, tel. +43 (0)699 1025 4817, email: